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Civil, Commercial and Insolvency Trials

Our services include the elaboration of lawsuits and follow-up of all types of civil, commercial and bankruptcy trials as well as the judicial defense in jurisdictional proceedings instituted against our clients, support in the negotiation and implementation of judicial agreements , execution of awards, foreign judgments.


We also provide services in the field of consulting and advice, through which you can take preventive measures to avoid conflicts and support for decision making of our customers, within this scope are the services of drafting contracts, consultations, legal audits, due diligence, compliance with regulations, etc.


Our lawyers in this area have extensive experience in the financial, banking, fiduciary, real estate and commercial fields, among others.




Legal support and supervision in audits carried out by the various supervisory authorities

We provide our clients with the necessary advice for the design of corporate strategies as well as the corporate regularization of all types of companies.


We prepare and dictate contracts, minutes of board meetings, share certificates, certificates of social parties, constitution of all types of companies, mergers, divisions, transformations, capital increases and decreases, granting of powers, statutory amendments, dissolutions, liquidations and all kinds of legal documentation necessary for the proper corporate life of organizations.




Implementation of strategies for the clearance of foreign trade goods

Our firm offers its clients advice on telecommunications, energy, concessions, NOMs (official standards), responsibility of public servants, copyrights and intellectual property, protection of industrial secrets, licenses and franchises.


We also represent our clients in all types of administrative procedures, be they before local, federal or municipal, administrative or judicial authorities; litigation related to distinctive signs (trademarks, commercial notices, trade names and appellations of origin), inventions (patents, utility models, industrial designs) and copyrights.


Our services include the advice on contests, bids, invitations and direct awards, both federal and state, the processing of complaints submitted in tenders, both procurement and public works, as well as advice on the preparation, management and obtaining permits and authorizations.


In the area of ​​Economic Competency, we provide our clients with advice on the preparation and presentation of notifications regarding all types of concentrations, as well as comprehensive advice during the investigation processes for monopolistic practices.




Legal support and supervision in audits carried out by the various supervisory authorities

In the tax field, our services include the defense against settlements of federal, local and municipal contributions, carried out by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (through the Tax Administration Service), the Mexican Institute of Social Security and the Institute of the National Fund for Housing for Workers, as well as the Secretariats of Finance of the States or their counterparts and the municipal fiscal authorities, among others.


Likewise, we provide the legal support and supervision in audits carried out by the various supervisory authorities in all kinds of contributions, with the intention that the reviews respect the human rights of taxpayers and that they are able to promote the best defense against acts that affect their interests.


In addition to the above, IEG Abogados S.C. implements legal defense against all types of sanctions imposed by the authorities, as well as the preparation and processing of direct and indirect injunctions, against tax regulations and any other act issued by the public administration and / or the jurisdictional authorities.


With regard to tax advice or consulting, our services include the analysis of the correct application of tax legislation, optimization in tax matters, the analysis of taxation schemes, the development of legal structures for companies and individuals, the carrying out tax proceedings and preparing rulings for mergers, spin-offs and acquisitions of companies.



Consulting and Litigation in Customs Law and Foreign Trade

We provide consultancy and litigation in Customs Law and Foreign Trade, advising cargo transport companies, customs brokers, importers, logistics operators, audited warehouses, general warehouse depots, companies with promotion programs: Prosec, IMMEX and Altex.


We develop and support the implementation of strategies for the clearance of foreign trade goods, application and interpretation of NAFTA's, international agreements, audits of contingency prevention, as well as representation of our clients in litigation against customs authorities before administrative and judicial authorities.



Property Management and Mortgage Contracts

Our firm offers a comprehensive service in real estate, supporting at all times our clients on the structuring, negotiation and implementation of all types of contracts related to the acquisition, modification, transmission and extinction of real rights on real estate, including the prior opinion on the same, as well as, if required, the real estate administration service, where we perform all the required procedures and activities on any type of property.


Additionally, we also provide advice on negotiations with ejidos (common land) and communities, divestment and expropriation proceedings and litigation arising from land tenure.



Implementation of strategies for matters related to public and private placements

We advise companies and institutions in matters relating to public and private placements, offers of shares and bonds, issuance of common shares, bonds, obligations and commercial paper, structuring, negotiation and documentation of loans and other financial operations, placement and restructuring of loans business and corporate, both individually and as syndicates, including financing of capital, leases and other schemes, as well as corporate and credit audits.



Advice and litigation in relations and acts between individuals and the State

The advice and litigation in the relations and acts between individuals and the State, through the interposition of resources and judgments that derive from these relations is for IEG Abogados, S.C. an area of ​​outmost relevance.

For this reason, one of our services is the challenge of any act of authority (administrative, legislative or judicial), which attempts against individual guarantees or the rights of physical and moral persons through the study, processing, management and supervision of amparo trials (law protection).



Defense of the interests of our clients

Our services cover the defense of our clients interests when they are affected by the commission of a crime, acting as Legal Advisors or Private Defenders as the case may be, in all stages of the accusatory criminal system.

We are specialized in crimes of patrimonial type, among them the finance and fiscal ones; deliberately excluding attention from crimes against health.

©2025 IEG Abogados, S.C. Todos los Derechos reservados.

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