He is a founding partner and CEO of IEG Abogados, S.C.
He is a Lawyer by the Escuela Libre de Derecho and did doctoral studies at the University of Leuven, Belgium.
Has worked in several Credit Institutions such as Bancomer, S.A. where he assumed the position of Divisional Director of Legal Support; in Banca Serfin, S.A. He served as Litigation Director; and in Banco Nacional de México, S.A. he held the position of Deputy Director of Specialized Legal Advice.
He has been Professor of Public International Law at the Universidad Iberoamericana and at the Escuela Libre de Derecho.
He is currently a Partner of IEG Abogados, S.C. and is responsible for the Civil, Commercial and Financial area of ​​the firm.
He holds a Law Degree from the Technological University of Mexico, and has completed postgraduate studies in the Mexican Financial System, Industrial and Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Civil and Commercial Procedural Law and the International Financial System, all at the Universidad Panamericana where he also holds a Diploma in American Law.
He studied a Diplomat in Bankruptcy Law, given by the Instituto Federal de Especialistas de Concursos Mercantiles, the Instituto de la Judicatura Federal, the Barra Mexicana and the Colegio de Abogados, A.C.
He lent his services within various Credit Institutions such as Banca Cremi S.A., Bancomer S.A. and Banco Nacional de México, S.A., where he assumed the position of Legal Assistant Director.
Holds a Law Degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
He has 24 years of experience in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, which is why he is currently an Associate in charge of this area within IEG Abogados, S.C.
Luis Bernardo Miranda Jiménez
Arturo Gutiérrez Serrano
Graduated Law from the Universidad Panamericana where he also studied the Specialty in Civil and Commercial Law, as well as the Master's Degree in Business Law.
He was a lawyer at Notary's 6 and 98 of the D.F. where he worked in different areas of the same in Real Estate, Corporate and Succession.
Within the PDeA Abogados S.C. office, he assumed the Management of Corporate and Real Estate Services.
He is currently an Associate of IEG Abogados, S.C. and is in charge of the Corporate and Contract Affairs Division.
Francisco Jonathan Ferreido García
Law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana, where he also studied the Banking Law Diploma. He studied Postgraduate in Law of the Mexican Financial System at the Universidad Panamericana and completed the Diploma in Management Competencies at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
He worked in several Credit Institutions such as Bancomer S.A., Banca Serfín S.A. and Banco Nacional de México, S.A., within the areas of Mortgage, Commercial and Corporate Banking, as well as within the areas of Marketing and Advertising, Patents and Trademarks and the Purchasing and General Services Management of the Institution.
He is currently a specialist in contractual matters, as well as an advisor and consultant in Corporate and Real Estate Law, operates in the area of ​​Corporate Management and is responsible for the Attention to Authorities service that provides the office to Credit Institutions.
Holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Panamericana, where he graduated with the thesis "Unconstitutionality of the Open Rules in Administrative Sanctioning Law" and where he has also done post-graduate studies.
He worked as a Lawyer in the Area of ​​Fiscal, Administrative and Constitutional Litigation in the López Padilla - López Valdivia Law Firm, S.C. and as a lawyer in the Tax Legal area at PricewaterhouseCoopers, S.C.
He is currently an Associate in the Tax and Administrative Litigation Area of ​​this firm.
Ismael Sanchez Drasdo
Holds a Law Degree from the Intercontinental University, and has completed postgraduate studies in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law at the Universidad Panamericana, the Intercontinental University and the National Institute of Legal Development.
He is an Associate of IEG Abogados, S.C. where he works as a specialist in lawsuits in civil, real estate, commercial, family and lease matters in all local and federal instances.
Carlos Alberto Elías Galaviz